Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cylinder Head Stripdown

Gotta love the simplicity of the Guzzi design. Stripping down the top end is very easy. On one side, the bolts were well torqued, and just needed a little persuasion in a few cases. On the other, the bolts had clearly not been torqued properly, and virtually fell off. Oh well.

Start by just removing the rocker covers:

There are five bolts that hold the cylinder in place. Four are obvious:

and one is below the cutout for the breather pipe:

The bolts are broken in diagonal sequence, and then the first things to come off are the two bolts that hold the valve rocker assemby:

There's a D-shaped spacer under each nut:

and then the rocker assembly comes off:

There are two other D-shaped spacers under the rocker assembly:

A sharp tap with a rubber mallet released the grip of the gaskets:

and off she comes:

Say hello to Mr. Piston:

Here's the barrel. The water droplets are from the recent pressure washing:

Here are the valves:

A Ziplock bag over the pistons protects them from the casings:

Here is is with both sides removed:

Engine Cleaning

First order of business with the engine mounted in its stand was to clean it up a bit. I used Gunk Engine cleaner, and the equivalent product from 3-in-1. I then cleaned it off with a pressure washer.

Not bad! The flash makes it look cleaner than it does in real life:


Just a few photos of the original seat. Not yet sure what I'll do with this.

This is the factory seat:

and with the red plastic bit removed:

Not very exciting now, was it?