Sunday, October 28, 2012

Clutch Rebuild

This was pretty simple. I pushed the clutch pusher assembly into the back of the transmission, with a healthy dollop of molybdenum grease

Then spin the workpiece around, and drop the gear into the waiting bearing:  

Put the washer and lock nut on, and do it up handtight until you can't hold the gear tight by hand anymore:

The drop the clutch assembly back in temporarily:

Check the clutch rod is unobstructed before tightening anything up

Now, the old copper-washer-in-the-teeth trick prevents  rotation of the gear as the nut is torqued up:

Then indent the lock ring to prevent any rotation:

She's done! Now for the clutch mounting. Remove the old seal

and add a new one:

 Get the clutch and retaining half-ring:

Install into the clutch housing:

And drop it onto the transmission. Lock with new stainless allenheads, and turn the whole thing over:

Success! This is now ready to be attached to the engine. Note the well-deserved beer modestly hiding.

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