Monday, December 27, 2010

Top Frame Removal

OK, so now it's time to remove the top frame.

To access the bolt that holds the lower section of the top frame into the engine, you must first remove the starter motor assembly: 

This is easy, just two bolts:

Then remove the nut from the other side of the bike, and give the bolt a sharp tap with a hammer.

and out it comes. That part of the engine is covered in oil, so there's no chance of the bolt seizing. What will happen if I ever succeed in making the engine oil-tight?

Then just remove the bolts from the front part, where the top and lower frames meet:

and remove this bolt too. The one on the other side was missing entirely!

The top frame just lifts off:

I was able to remove the lower race easily when the top frame was on the bike, using a screwdriver down the inside of the steering head and a suitable hammer. Now the top frame is off, I turned the top frame upside down, and made up a concoction of spart plug removal socket, plus extension pieces. Drop that down the steering head, a few sharp taps with a hammer (OK, bloody big hits) and off comes the top race:


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